Highest Life Purpose: Praising God in the Presence of Others by Twyla Franz Blog

Highest Life Purpose: Praising God in the Presence of Others

I watch from my plane window as puffs of cloud float past snow-dusted squares and ponder where I’m heading. Not just the destination of my flight, but the arc of my life. Where I assign meaning. What I’ve come to see as our greatest life purpose.

When we’re zoomed into our life, we can get caught up in the details and forget that we’re made for more than what we finish at the end of each day. More than the roles carefully categorized and labeled. More than degrees or praise or resumes.

The aerial view from my seat is a timely reminder to zoom out, look for the through line staking what’s true and more important. Sometimes you need to step back to see what you’re missing.

Sometimes you need to step back to see what you’re missing_Twyla Franz quote

Up-Close Vs. Zoomed-Out Bible Reading

Perhaps, like me, you prefer the up-close approach to reading your Bible. You read slowly, one book at a time for context, with no agenda but to learn God’s nature. Some days you re-read yesterday’s section. Sometimes you underline almost everything you read. God is compassionate and close.

At the beginning of the year, I took a risk—to follow Mary Demuth’s 90 Day Bible Reading Challenge. If you’re stubbornly self-strict too, you get the danger of reading primarily to check the boxes. I didn’t want a plan to get in between me and Jesus, but I was intrigued by her claim that a fast-read through the Bible is an entirely different experience than a one-year reading plan.

She’s right.

Taking in large chunks of Scripture every day gives you fresh perspective. You see the throbbing heartbeat of God in the midst of details you used to get hung up on. Themes and through-lines you miss when you’re zoomed in to a handful of verses at a time.

Mary’s challenge is equivalent to the view from my window. You see big picture. The constancy of God. The yearning of His heart to be with us. The pattern of us rejecting Him and breaking His tender heart.

Our Highest Life Purpose

I pull my eyes away from the window and re-read a verse I’d been mulling over:

I will speak Your name to my brothers and sisters when I praise You in the midst of the community. You who revere the Eternal, praise Him—descendants of Jacob, worship Him; be struck with wonder before Him, all you children of Israel.

Psalm 22:22-23, The Voice

I often think of gratitude as quiet. Penned lines in a gratitude journal. Silent breaths of thanks when we pause to recognize God’s hand on our lives. Lifted eyes to the heavens as outside air slowly fills our lungs.

But David often refers to thanks as having a voice. It speaks up so others can overhear how outrageously good and faithful God is. Declares our trust, not just for our own shaking hearts, but for the sake of others around us.

The “so that” is implicant in this verse: we praise God in the presence of others so that more will know and adore Him. Elsewhere, The Voice translation pairs those two words to explain God’s why. Like when God made a way through the Jordan River “so that everyone on earth would know how powerful the Eternal is and so that you would reverence your God, the Eternal forever” (Joshua 4:24, The Voice).

God gives us ample reason to praise Him because gratitude has a ripple effect. When others overhear how we thank Him for His compassion, kindness, presence even when the storm still rages wild and uncertain, hope arises. When we remember out loud how He saved, redeemed, restored, we help others see how He’s worthy, good, and with them too.

Psalm 40:10 echoes the commission to praise God in community:

I have not kept Your righteousness to myself, sealed up in the secret places of my heart; instead, I boldly tell others how You save and how loyal You are. I haven’t been shy to talk about Your love, nor have I been afraid to tell Your truth before the great assembly of Your people.

The Voice

If God’s mission is to fill the earth with His glory (Habakkuk 2:14), we find ours tucked into these references about verbalizing our praise. Our highest life purpose is simply this: declare that He’s worthy—out loud so others can hear.

Our highest life purpose is simply this: declare that He’s worthy—out loud so others can hear_Twyla Franz quote

Uncomplicating Our Missional Purpose

I’m guilty of overcomplicating sharing my faith. Thinking I have to know all the right words to say. Have all the answers. Memorize all the Bible references.

It’s a lot of pressure, and it can keep us quiet. We feel like an imposter and a phony because our lives are messy. Inadaquate because we don’t have a piece of paper saying we’re qualified to unpack scripture or disciple other people.

But I don’t think God meant for it feel heavy or complicated. Let me wow you, He says. All you need to do is tell other people about it.

The story unfolding right now that feels raw—it’s a perfect spot to start. Tell how God is faithful even when you’re not. Patient even when you’re not. Kind even when you’ve said things you regret. Share how He’s growing you. Tenderly present, though you’ve done nothing to deserve it. Uncovering what you still need to let go. Giving you what you need for this precise moment.

I’m cheering you on, and God? He’s grinning from ear to ear.

Let’s pray.

Jesus, thank you for coming in close, and also opening our eyes to see the bigger story. Your bigness doesn’t diminish Your careful attention to the details of our lives. It’s grace that You’re so very good to us, and grace that You invite us to share Your mission to fill the earth with Your glory. Grant us boldness to praise You in the presence of our family, neighbors, friends, co-workers, classmates, and community.

We ask for open eyes to see You right here.

Unhindered adoration to give You the reverence You’re due.

Just a friend over here in your corner,


Begin Within Gratitude Series

Begin Within is a series to inspire a year-round lifestyle of gratitude that will impact not only your own life, but the lives of your neighbors as well. Gratitude is a theme we talk about often around here because it ties so closely into other missional living rhythms. Practicing gratitude reminds to keep our hearts soft and expectant and our eyes open. Therefore, the more we embrace gratitude, the easier it becomes to truly see our neighbors and where we can join what God is already doing in our neighborhoods.

Highest Life Purpose: Praising God in the Presence of Others by Twyla Franz

P.S. Did you know that The Uncommon Normal is also available as a podcast? Tune in to Apple Podcasts or Spotify to listen!


I help imperfectly ready people take baby steps into neighborhood missional living.

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