What Happened When I Adopted “Slow Start” Mornings

Through my "slow start” porch, coffee, and gratitude-filled mornings, God has started to turn my heart and open my eyes like I’ve never experienced_Bethany Rees for Begin Within: A Gratitude Series

There’s nothing I love more than sitting on my porch while having my early morning coffee. I call this whole experience my “slow start” . . . and it’s completely changed my life. 

No matter what time of the day I have to be somewhere or do something, I usually just adjust my alarm to make time to savor my morning. 

Even my family knows how important slow mornings are to me. My 13-year-old daughter made me a list of fun things to do on my birthday this year and “”slow start”” was number one. 

Bethany's Birthday wish list includes a slow start_photo by Bethany Rees

Like you, and probably everyone you know, the majority of my days are full of busyness. Rushing here or there. Doing this task or that chore. Meeting this deadline and that one. Pouring out into this person or that person.

But my mornings . . . Oh, how my mornings are just for me. 

Well, me and God. 

In my twenties and most of my thirties I used to rush my time with God like I rushed everything else in my life. Life to me used to be a list of boxes to check, and the game was to see how fast I could check them off. 

I used to rush my time with God like I rushed everything else in my life_Bethany Rees for Begin Within: A Gratitude Series

Don’t get me wrong, I still accomplish a lot (maybe even more) in my forties, but the framework for how I work is all different now. 

Instead of letting the anxiety and stress of the dreaded checkbox To-Do list get me, I’ve learned to deafen its siren’s call by putting in the ear buds of gratitude.  

My “Slow Start” Mornings

These days my heart, mind, and ears start with gratitude before the Lord. 

Each “slow start” morning, before I get out of bed, I thank God for the rest He gave me in the comfortable house He provided. Then I slow-walk to the coffee pot letting God know of my appreciation for the smells, tastes, and feels of the magical black liquid. And finally, my dog Lucius and I make it to the rocking chair on our small front porch. 

Rocking back and forth, sipping the delicious fruit of the coffee plant, my sleepy eyes begin to open wider and wider. I see my outdoor porch curtains blowing, and I feel gratitude for how I feel God working even though I can’t always see Him.  As I watch my dog sit at my feet, I hear the buzzing hummingbirds coming to my feeder, and I feel gratitude for God’s creation of various beasts. 

As I play soft worship music, my soul awakens to the magnificence of who God is and what Jesus has done for me. As I see the light of day fade from black to pinks, oranges, and blues, I feel gratitude for another day to do what God has called me to do.

I’ve come to realize that it’s hard to build a relationship with someone, especially God, if I treat Him/them like a To-Do list and move on to the next box. 

I’ve come to realize that it’s hard to build a relationship with someone, especially God, if I treat Him/them like a To-Do list and move on to the next box_Bethany Rees for Begin Within: A Gratitude Series

A Fascinating Discovery

Through my “slow start” porch, coffee, and gratitude-filled mornings, God has started to turn my heart and open my eyes like I’ve never experienced. I see things that I never took the time to notice before. I have thoughts that allow me to go deeper into my identity and purpose. And, I have more joy and peace throughout the chaotic days. 

Yes, God has really slowed me down and helped me to get out of the “rat race” of life. 

But what I’ve found equally fascinating with my “”slow start” mornings of gratitude are that my To-Do lists still get done, but with less stress and more efficiency.

And for that I’m also . . . you guessed it . . . very grateful. 

A Scripture Verse to Remember: 

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Colossians 3:17, ESV

A Song to Enjoy: 

Gratitude – Brandon Lake – Lyric Video

Lyric video for the song “Gratitude” by Brandon Lake. From his album “House Of Miracles”. Written by Brandon Lake, Dante Bowe, and Ben Hastings.

Meet Bethany Rees

Meet Begin Within Series Feature Writer, Bethany Rees--Educator, entrepreneur, and CEO of BR Essential Services helping others to stop drowning in the stress and guilt of trying to do it all in their professional and personal lives.

Bethany Rees is and has always had the heart of a teacher. So, it’s no surprise that she spent 18 years in public education as an administrator, instructional coach and teacher of every single grade level from kindergarten to 12th grade.  

She is a wife, mom, educator, entrepreneur, and CEO of BR Essential Services, so she knows what it takes to lead a classroom, teams, organizations, and a busy family. She has been there and gone through that. Which is why she is sharing those lessons learned to help others build their life and leadership on the rocks . . . The Essential Rocks . . . so they too can stop drowning in the stress and guilt of trying to do it all in their professional and personal lives.

As a transformational voice in building leaders, she is captivating audiences through her Leadership on the Rocks podcast, Leadership Survival Guide online course, and coaching platforms. Bethany’s husband, kids, thousands of students/teachers, and leaders she’s invested in will tell you the same thing: Bethany is your biggest cheerleader. She is on a mission to help leaders be successful in fulfilling their purpose of serving others without losing themselves in the process!  

Join Bethany and countless other leaders on this transformational journey to make a positive impact on every team you lead . . . whether at work or at home.

Where to find her . . .

Begin Within Gratitude Series

Begin Within is a series to inspire a year-round lifestyle of gratitude that will impact not only your own life, but the lives of your neighbors as well. Gratitude is a theme we talk about often around here because it ties so closely into other missional living rhythms. Practicing gratitude reminds to keep our hearts soft and expectant and our eyes open. Therefore, the more we embrace gratitude, the easier it becomes to truly see our neighbors and where we can join what God is already doing in our neighborhoods.

If you would like to contribute to Begin Within, you can find the submission guidelines here.

10 Things You Might Be Doing That Keep Your Friendships Shallow

(+ 1 Simple Habit to Shift Your Direction)

If you long for deep, meaningful relationships, this is for you!

Creating Ripples

If you would like to cultivate rhythms in addition to gratitude that will empower you live on mission in your neighborhood, check out Cultivating a Missional Life: A 30-Day Devotional to Gently Help You Open Your Heart, Home, and Life to Your Neighbors. This small book will help you make a big impact in your neighborhood as you learn to let missional living flow from the inside out. Get the 30-day missional living challenge free when you purchase the book.

get the free book bonus when you purchase Cultivating a Missional Life

One Surprising Thing a Nearly-Flopped Vacation Taught Me About Vacation by Twyla Franz for Begin Within: A Gratitude Series
What Happened When I Adopted "Slow Start" Mornings by Bethany Rees, written for Begin Within: A Gratitude Series

I help imperfectly ready people take baby steps into neighborhood missional living.


    • twyla

      I get this SO much! I long for that uninterrupted time to linger in His presence, and sometimes ask Him to wake me up before my alarm so I have more time.

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