How to Thrive on Your Tiny Slice of Right Now, written by Twyla Franz

How to Thrive on Your Tiny Slice of Right Now

Can we talk about the tiny slice of earth beneath your feet? It’s what you know in this moment: the sense you can make of where God’s at work.

We forget how very small the sliver of today is, or at least I do. I want logic to apply. Want the things He nudges me towards to bear fruit right away. Want to know I’m not wasting time or believing for something that will never happen.

I long for the settled knowing in my soul that my steps are purposeful. That I’m making choices that count. That my life and words have eternal impact.

Yet from where we’re standing, all we know is what’s next. Not how it links or where it all lands. All we can do is accept each ask that God illuminates.

A Gesture of Trust

It’s not easy to put in the work, not knowing how or when it will make sense. To see what you can see right now and trust that God’s got the full picture.

That’s where I am too, pouring words and tears and prayers into sequenced creations I’m now realizing God prompted in reverse order. At this point I feel like I’m just along for the ride—a wild ride of letting go of everything but trust and obedience and His promise of with-ness.

I don’t know what’s beyond the work He invites me to today, and neither do you. Our only guarantee is that God is good and His promises never fail (1 Kings 8:56).

It takes gritty faith to stand on our tiny slice of right now, slip our hand in His, and not let go. But oh, how that gesture of trust warms God’s heart and tethers us to Him.

It takes gritty faith to stand on our tiny slice of right now, slip our hand in His, and not let go (Twyla Franz quote).

Maybe it’s better that we don’t get the aerial view with all our questions answered. Our vision is instead consumed with Him because He’s right in front of us, calling us closer one step at a time. My prayer for both of us today is that we will see Him and it will be enough.

Enough to accept the mission and release the outcome.

Enough to hold both today and tomorrow in surrendered hands.

Enough to find abundant peace nevertheless.

Enough to flourish and overflow from right where we are.

At this moment it might feel like a tall order: trust God when we’ve got questions stacked higher than our heads. When it appears we heard wrong or our efforts failed or we were too late. When we don’t see beyond the bend.

So for you feeling unmoored or disheartened, let’s talk tips for thriving on our little slice of right now.

Three Ways to Thrive When You Can’t See Beyond the Moment

1. When neither yesterday nor tomorrow make sense yet, just be obedient today.

We don’t have to see the full picture to stay tender and surrendered. Listen for those God-whispers and lean into the yes right in front of you. Remember you don’t have to fix, figure out, or worry over tomorrow. When you can’t see far in front of you, cling to Matthew 6:34.

So do not worry about tomorrow. Let tomorrow worry about itself. Living faithfully is a large enough task for today.

– The Voice

That last line hits me the way it’s phrased in The Voice. Let today be filled with faith and trust and our yes to the right-now nudges of our loving Father because that’s a full day. We needn’t worry about the rest because when we’re overwhelmed, our heart begins to shift. We self-consume and self-preserve and self-doubt, and God’s voice starts to sound far away. In order to stay in sync with Jesus, we keep our eyes on Him.

We don’t have to see the full picture to stay tender and surrendered (Twyla Franz quote).

2. Lean on forever-true promises laced through Scripture.

    When you feel small, unsure, or insufficient for the task in front of you, pick a Bible verse or two packed with promise, and read it often. Here are a few of my favorites.

    Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me. For all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear.

    – Matthew 11:28-30, TPT

    Because I set you, YAHWEH, always close to me, my confidence will never be weakened, for I experience your wraparound presence every moment.

    – Psalm 16:8 TPT

    And if anyone longs to be wise, ask God for wisdom and he will give it! He won’t see your lack of wisdom as an opportunity to scold you over your failures but he will overwhelm your failures with his generous grace.

    – James 1:5, TPT

    God lifts our heavy burdens and leads us to rest. He tenderly cares for us when we’re weary. He sticks with us, strengthening and shielding us. He fills us with abundant wisdom when we ask. 

    He doesn’t ask us to be brave on our own, but instead lends us His confidence.

    3. Thank God for His never-changing nature.

      God is Jehovah Jireh: Provider. Elohim: Yahweh. Adonai: Lord. Emmanuel: God with Us. El Shaddai: the God of More Than Enough. He’s Rock and Provider. Comforter and Shepherd. Father and Friend. Commander of wind and waves and Pursuer of human hearts. 

      Let’s thank Him, on our knees and in our journals and out loud so others overhear. Whisper His name in the middle of the night when we can’t sleep. Sing directly to Him as we worship. 

      I’ll leave you with a prayer to borrow as you stand on your own small slice of right now:

      I trust You, Author and Redeemer, Lord and Savior. I release what I don’t know and cling instead to You. Lead me. I am Yours!

      Just a friend over here in your corner,


      10 best friendship deepening tips by Twyla Franz
      How to Thrive on Your Tiny Slice of Right Now by Twyla Franz

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      The Uncommon Normal podcast with Twyla Franz

      I help imperfectly ready people take baby steps into neighborhood missional living.

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