How to Pray in the Really Hard Moments by The Praying Couple, Michael and Carlie Kercheval

How to Pray in the Really Hard Moments

Just minutes after wrapping up a live podcast interview this summer, we received the tragic call—Michael’s father had passed away. This news sent shockwaves through our bodies. We sat in silence, tears streaming down our faces, and began to pray. As we prayed we were reminded of the many losses God has carried us through over the decades. From the devastating loss of two of our children to near-death experiences, to this most recent heartbreak, loss has been a part of our redemption story.

During these times of overwhelming sorrow, we have learned that God is the only One who can carry us through. Prayer has been our lifeline—holding us close to Him and keeping us connected to one another and as a family. Through every tear, every sleepless night, and every moment when we didn’t know how to keep going, prayer has drawn us deeper into God’s presence and comforted us in ways we cannot explain. It has also strengthened the bond within our family, reminding us that we are not walking through this pain alone.

How to Pray God’s Word When Life Is Hard

As we’ve learned to pray through the hardest moments, we’ve also discovered the power of praying God’s Word. His promises in Scripture have sustained us, especially when it was hard to find the words to pray. When we declare His truth over our lives, it doesn’t instantly change our circumstances, but it changes us. His Word becomes the foundation upon which we stand when the weight of grief threatens to crush us. Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) has become an anchor for our souls in seasons of deep loss:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.


When we declare His truth over our lives, it doesn’t instantly change our circumstances, but it changes us. (Michael and Carlie Kercheval, The Praying Couple, quote for Begin Within: A Gratitude Series)

This verse has carried us through many difficult seasons. In moments where we couldn’t make sense of what was happening, we learned to trust in God’s wisdom instead of our own. It’s not always easy, and we don’t pretend it is. But we’ve found that choosing to trust God and prayer—especially praying His Word—has given us strength and peace to keep going beyond what we could ever imagine.

God is Near, Even When Our Hearts Break

Another truth we’ve held onto is Psalm 34:18 (NIV), which says:

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.


When life brings devastation, it’s easy to feel like God is far away. We’ve experienced firsthand how near He is, especially in the midst of heartbreak. When words fail us and the pain seems too deep, God’s Word is there, reminding us of His unshakable love and His promise to never leave us.

From Pain to Promise

We’ve also discovered that prayer isn’t just about communicating with God—it’s about building our faith by standing on His promises. We’ve prayed over our family, declaring His peace and comfort when our hearts were heavy. We’ve stood together as a family, holding hands, reading His Word, and speaking His truth into the atmosphere of our home. These moments remind us that while we may not understand the “why” behind our circumstances, we can trust in the “who”—the God who is always faithful.

In seasons of pain, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the weight of what has been taken from us. But prayer shifts our focus from the pain to the promises of God. It helps us to see that He is working, even when we can’t see the outcome. There is comfort in knowing that His Word does not return void (Isaiah 55:11) and that when we pray His promises, we are aligning ourselves with His perfect will. His Word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12), and it gives us the strength to press on when our hearts are weary.

Prayer...helps us to see that He is working, even when we can’t see the outcome. (Michael and Carlie Kercheval, The Praying Couple, quote for Begin Within: A Gratitude Series).

If you find yourself in the midst of heartache today, wondering how to keep going, we encourage you to begin with prayer. But more than that, pray His Word. Speak His promises over your situation, even when it feels like nothing is changing. Trust that God is working in ways you cannot yet see. When we choose to stand on His Word, we are reminded that God is faithful, and His plans for us are good, even when our circumstances suggest otherwise. And this, friend, is something to be thankful for.

Meet Michael and Carlie Kercheval

Meet Begin Within: A Gratitude Series feature writers, Michael and Carlie Kercheval--college sweethearts and founders of The Praying Couple®, who have devoted their lives to helping couples build prayer partnerships that transform marriages and families.

Michael and Carlie Kercheval, college sweethearts and founders of The Praying Couple®, have devoted their lives to helping couples build prayer partnerships that transform marriages and families. They both have Master’s degrees in Counseling and hold several professional coaching certifications. Together they co-authored the best-selling devotional Consecrated Conversations and co-host The Praying Couple® Podcast, where they inspire listeners to strengthen their faith and relationships through Bible literacy and prayer.

As a retired military family, they lived all over the world, homeschooling their three children for 16 years. Avid travelers, they are owners of Quality Time Travel Co., a family-focused travel agency dedicated to creating lasting memories for their clients. The Kerchevals reside on the coast of South Carolina with their children and three Standard Poodles.

Where to find them . . .

Begin Within: A Gratitude Series, hosted by Twyla Franz

Begin Within is a series to inspire a year-round lifestyle of gratitude that will impact not only your own life, but the lives of your neighbors as well. Gratitude is a theme we talk about often around here because it ties so closely into other missional living rhythms. Practicing gratitude reminds to keep our hearts soft and expectant and our eyes open. Therefore, the more we embrace gratitude, the easier it becomes to truly see our neighbors and where we can join what God is already doing in our neighborhoods.

If you would like to contribute to Begin Within, you can find the submission guidelines here.

One Surprising Thing a Nearly-Flopped Vacation Taught Me About Vacation by Twyla Franz for Begin Within: A Gratitude Series
How to Pray in the Really Hard Moments by Michael and Carlie Kercheval, college sweethearts and founders of The Praying Couple®

I help imperfectly ready people take baby steps into neighborhood missional living.

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