How to Combat Hard Days with a Secret Weapon by best-selling author, Melanie Redd, written for Begin Within Gratitude Series

How to Combat Hard Days with a Secret Weapon

We got the call late on a Monday afternoon.

I was doing laundry, posting online, planning meals for the week, and catching up on emails. It was a pretty typical first day of the week.

Yet, this call was different. The caller let us know that my younger brother (and only sibling) was unable to walk and feeling weak. 

After a visit to the emergency room, it was discovered that he had some bleeding on his brain, and would need immediate surgery.

Of course, we began to pray and consider what we could do to help. My brother, Alan, is a widower who lives hours away from us and from all six of his grown children. Our parents are senior adults who both use walkers to get around.

So, what were my husband and I to do? Someone needed to go down to Florida and be with him. But there seemed to be no one who could help.

Only One Choice

By Wednesday of that same week, we got word that the surgery had been scheduled. He would have two complicated brain surgeries to deal with his bleeding.

To complicate matters, my brother was in the middle of a move across the country to be closer to family. Only a few boxes were packed, however, and the moving deadlines were just around the corner.

Truly, we felt like we had only one choice: we would pack up, take off of work, leave everything behind, and drive down to help. It seemed to be the only option.

Truly, we felt like we had only one choice. (Melanie Redd quote for Begin Within: A Gratitude Series)

We Made the Trip

On Thursday morning, we got ready and made the eight-hour drive with all of our gear. It was certainly going to be both a wild adventure and a great deal of work.

Once we saw my brother, we knew we had made the right choice. Seeing him for the first time, it was clear that he was very ill. Incredibly thin, pale, weak, and dizzy, the brain bleed was taking its toll on his body.

At age 58, the man who had once been a picture of health was now looking extremely gaunt and weak. Things were not okay.

A Whirlwind of Time

For the next nine days, my husband and I worked to help my brother. We cleaned, packed, loaded, and moved everything out of his home into storage.

Then, we drove him to doctor’s appointments, surgeries, and all sorts of care for his illness. 

Finally, after many very long days and two unbelievable surgeries, his color returned, and he began to feel better. Gratefully, I can tell you that he is on the mend and feeling so much better.

(And his neurosurgeon believes that his life was spared. One bad fall, car wreck, or accident, and he could have died. We believe God protected him, and sent us to help!)

Gratitude Helped!

Looking back over the last few weeks, I can honestly tell you that gratitude kept us going (and my husband’s wonderful sense of humor!)

How did gratitude help?

First, we were so grateful to God that we could take off work and drive down to help. Our employers worked with us, gave us grace, and allowed us to take off work.

Second, we had so much gratitude for everyone who came alongside and helped us. So many people prayed, texted, emailed, called, and even one pitched in to assist with all of the work. What a gift!

Third, the people we dealt with across Navarre and Pensacola were amazing! From the nurses and doctors to everyone at the moving company, storage unit, hotels, and restaurants, people were so kind and understanding.

Fourth, we are so thankful for God’s grace and peace. During ALL of those 11 days, we had a sense of great calm and unexplainable strength. This can only be attributed to our God. I’m reminded of Colossians 3:17, which urges,

And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

What about in Your Life?

Have you also experienced some challenging moments lately? Could gratitude be your secret weapon on hard days?

Could gratitude be your secret weapon on hard days?  (Melanie Redd quote for Begin Within: A Gratitude Series)

Truly, there is something about looking to heaven and whispering, “Thank You, Lord,” that will completely change your outlook.

Is it easy? No.

However, when we acknowledge the awesome goodness of God, we are changed! 

Loads are lightened. 

Emotions are calmed. 

We find rest.

Try a little gratitude today! It will change everything! As Kristen Armstrong writes, “When we focus on our gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out and the tide of love rushes in.”

Meet Melanie Redd

Meet Begin Within: A Gratitude Series feature writer Melania Redd, a best-selling author of nine books, blogger, speaker, podcaster, and ghostwriter.

Melanie is a best-selling author of nine books, a blogger, a speaker, and a podcaster. 

She’s also a ghostwriter who helps other speakers, pastors, and writers to publish their books.

For the past 34 years, she’s been married to Randy and serving alongside him in ministry. Additionally, she’s mom to two awesome young adults (Riley and Emily) and one Australian Shepherd and one Mini Aussie!

God’s grace never ceases to amaze her!
You can find out more about Melanie & her ministry at

Where to find her . . .

Begin Within: A Gratitude Series, hosted by Twyla Franz

Begin Within is a series to inspire a year-round lifestyle of gratitude that will impact not only your own life, but the lives of your neighbors as well. Gratitude is a theme we talk about often around here because it ties so closely into other missional living rhythms. Practicing gratitude reminds to keep our hearts soft and expectant and our eyes open. Therefore, the more we embrace gratitude, the easier it becomes to truly see our neighbors and where we can join what God is already doing in our neighborhoods.

If you would like to contribute to Begin Within, you can find the submission guidelines here.

One Surprising Thing a Nearly-Flopped Vacation Taught Me About Vacation by Twyla Franz for Begin Within: A Gratitude Series
Best-selling author Melanie Redd writes for Begin Within Gratitude Series: How to Combat Hard Days with a Secret Weapon

I help imperfectly ready people take baby steps into neighborhood missional living.

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