Gratitude Series
Cultivate year-round gratitude that will impact not only your own life, but the lives of your neighbors as well.
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How Something Surprising Created Gratitude for My Neighbors
My perspective on my keep-to-yourself, wave-from-the-driveway neighbors shifted to a mindset of ready reciprocation: gratitude.
Gratitude: Breathing New Life into a Broken Marriage
Now every time I’m triggered I have a choice of where I will let my mind go: one way breathes life into my marriage, the other, death.
(To Live Well This One Beautiful Life) Gratitude Must Become A Habit
As we walk through the hard, we count the blessings, and we look for the gifts, the small miracles that sustain us along the way.
3 Practical Ways to Be Thankful When You Just Don’t Feel Like It
And since we may not feel particularly grateful right now, here are three practical ways that you can exercise your gratitude muscles, even when you just don’t feel like it.