Gratitude Series
Cultivate year-round gratitude that will impact not only your own life, but the lives of your neighbors as well.
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Why I’m Grateful for the Forced Pause of Infertility
I was sold the standard dream and never took the time to consider whether that dream was actually a dream I wanted. The infertility forced me to pause.
What’s the Deal With Ashes, and Why Do I Want Them Too?
I didn’t know why exactly, but the force field of this spiritual discipline slowly drew me in over the course of many years.
12 Important Life Lessons I Learned From Counting Gifts
I’ll admit that, initially, the idea of counting gifts seemed trite, but along the way, I discovered some profound and transformational truths.
How to Choose a Grateful Heart in the Midst of Miscarriage
I know this level of dependence on Him was not there before my loss, and I know this is one of the many blessings He has given me through this storm.
How to Surrender Disappointment When Growing a Family Doesn’t Go As Planned
Our carefully crafted world of fertility dreams came crashing down.
What Loving My Neighbors Looks Like: A Journey From Greed to Gratitude
Greediness is the exact opposite of gratitude, and it caused me to cling to my calendar instead of releasing it to God.