Gratitude Series
Cultivate year-round gratitude that will impact not only your own life, but the lives of your neighbors as well.
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How to Crush Fear When We Thank God in Advance
Friend, we have another option to fearing the unknown. We can thank God in advance for what we know He’ll do.
How a Dash Against the Rock Was the Gift I Needed Most
Why was I living as if my efforts in the gym were the lynchpin of my mood and my day?
How to Keep Looking For Gratitude When There’s Not an Easy Fix
I’ve found in my life with grief that, more often than not, gratitude comes in small spaces and places. Like my daughter’s hairbrush, it requires some hunting down.
How to See The Gift In Your Particular Temperament
One woman shared how she didn’t want one particular temperament she had. Her vulnerability helped me remember all the times I’d told God I didn’t want to be who He made ME to be.
Why the Road of Suffering Leads to the Destination of Gratitude
The miracles happen in the margins, and no matter how deep the pain is, or how long the wait is, God always shows up, and His ways are always the best ways.
How to Experience God’s Goodness When Life Doesn’t Seem Very Good
And as most children do, they often come to me with complaints about chores or school or personal discomforts . . . and I meet them with a little song my mother used to sing…