Gratitude Series
Cultivate year-round gratitude that will impact not only your own life, but the lives of your neighbors as well.
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How to Stop Grumbling: The Best Antidote for Ingratitude
Faced with new challenges, we often forget God’s goodness in bringing us out of Egypt, the desert, or whatever proverbial season of "lack" we find ourselves. And before you know it, our “deliverance gratitude" suddenly…
The Secret to Being Calm and Peaceful in the Middle of Tragedy
Over and over, the same question was asked of me by many of the people we met: “Anna, how is it that you are so calm and you seem so at peace?”
How to Find The Grace of Humor in Heavy Times
God is so good to allow us to hold the tension between grief and joy with grace and dignity.
When Numbers Are Significant (And They Turn an Intense Year Around)
Now, whenever fours catch my attention, like 4:44 on the clock, I take a moment to thank Him for whatever comes to mind—out loud and with hands raised, if I’m alone.
When You’re Doing All the Things and You Still Hit Rock Bottom
The cracks in the walls had begun to show and it was my best-kept secret until it wasn’t.
How to Show Compassion When You Could Grumble Instead: A Waiting Room Heart-Check
“The average wait time is 24-28 hours right now,” I overheard the front desk worker tell the couple in front of me.