Gratitude Series
Cultivate year-round gratitude that will impact not only your own life, but the lives of your neighbors as well.
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How to Be Grateful In Every Season
My mind made the connection that being grateful IN these circumstances was not only guarding my proverbial heart and mind as in my emotions and thoughts, but gratitude was literally guarding my physical heart and…
How to Be Grateful for “Big” Moments That Seem Horrible
Between the surgery and the radiation, I developed some significant scars, physical and emotional. Still, I found gratitude.
How To Accept Kindness When You’d Rather Give It
Each summer we embark on an annual Kindness Quest, where we make our vacation full of kindness. I thought I had hit the jackpot of cool ways to practice missional living, but it turned out…
How To Change Your Mindset From Victim to Overcomer
Looking at my life through the lens of gratitude has changed my position in my struggle from victim to overcomer. I am no longer defined by my circumstance, but defined by my Creator.
How to Tell the Difference Between Inconveniences and Grace
I was grumpy. There was no way to sugarcoat the mood I was in. On this particular morning, I could have been the poster child for Snow White’s disgruntled dwarf.
How To Cope With Dementia in an Aging Parent
Being grateful doesn’t mean you understand, and it doesn’t mean you don’t wish them back with you, it simply means you trust God during difficult times.