Gratitude Series
Cultivate year-round gratitude that will impact not only your own life, but the lives of your neighbors as well.
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What Happened When I Adopted “Slow Start” Mornings
In my twenties and most of my thirties I used to rush my time with God like I rushed everything else in my life. Life to me used to be a list of boxes to…
How to Be Grateful for the Way God Created You
I knew God had choices. I knew He’d created me like this on purpose. He knew how hard it would be to live in this shell, to feel unwanted, unseen, unworthy. And He did it…
How to Become Grateful For Less & Steward Well
It turns out that being a good steward includes giving something away to someone else who can use it. Luke 6:38 says to give and it will be given to you.
The Best Way to Move From Denial to Gratitude
I wanted to be the good girl, the good Christian, and not betray my family. So I learned the persona I was to present and the language I was to use.
How to Cultivate the Heart Attitude of Gratitude
Years later, recalling his words about giving thanks, I asked myself how often I express sincere, heartfelt gratitude. Do I too often fall back on ‘likes’ or one-line comments on social media posts?
How to Be Thankful In, Not Thankful For
I was not being told to thank God for my circumstance; I was being told to give thanks in the circumstance. I didn’t have to be grateful for my stroke; I needed to be grateful…