Neighboring meets ripple-effect faith. I call it missional neighboring.
Summer in a Picture-Frame: Nos and Yeses
This summer has been a summer of no’s and yes’s—and I’m learning to be more intentional with both. I’m learning to make choices because I choose to, not out of obligation or default. I’m learning…
Forming Habits: Overcoming the Fear of Starting
Surrendering to the pull of a habit helps me say yes to the things I want to, even when sometimes the no feels easier.
Why It Matters
Knocks at the door. Steaming food, fresh and delicious, placed on hot pads, spread across the counter. The smells waft through the air, tickling our senses, awakening something within us. Here is home. A safe…
When Age Differences Bring Us Together
There are so few kids living near us. A tinge of sadness drips through our words. We are less disturbing to our neighbors if we contain playtime to the fenced backyard. They can’t relate to…
The Uncommon Normal: Behind the Name
Underqualified. Far from ready. Maybe someday, but not now. These are words I felt far too often, whispered silently to negate the call we felt to step into missional living amongst those who live nearest…
Revealing Why It’s OK to Be Imperfectly Ready
I hope through this blog to share about the real-life situations and decisions we face as we delve into this adventure to help convince you that living on mission in your neighborhood doesn’t have intimidate…