
Neighboring meets ripple-effect faith. I call it missional neighboring.

  • Befriending the Awkward

    Inviting friends in close enough to see all the things I know so well aren’t perfect about me is one thing, but to invite my neighbors into that place, well, that’s a completely different story.

  • Discipleship: It Starts Here

    If discipleship is to be a ripple effect—a disciple who disciples another, who then disciples another, who in turn disciples yet another—there is no way around this starting with a look inward, at yours truly.

  • All things love God, love people mission.

    What is my Mission?

    When I lose the distinction between my neighbors and my friends, my neighbors in essence become my neighbor-friends. It’s a both/and, not an either/or.

  • Creating Margin

    How could I have forgotten? This life of missional living right here, right where we live—it’s not supposed to drain me, further max out my schedule, or feel impossible. It’s not supposed to be an…