Neighboring meets ripple-effect faith. I call it missional neighboring.
How to Find With-Ness When You Feel Alone
With-ness. Could there be a word that sits closer to the tender heart of God? It strikes me while praying for North Carolina, Chaing Mai, and Florida how God’s promise to join us as we…
How to Reflect Jesus Like a Mirror (In 3 Specific Ways)
The commission to reflect Jesus is first an invitation to deeply know Him. Not about Him, but Him. Like any relationship, knowing is gradually grown, built on clocked hours, trust, and vulnerability.
Normalize The Uncommon: What Happens When We See The People In Front Of Us
What if we made uncommon habits–like getting to know our neighbors and letting the things God is growing inside us ripple out into our neighborhoods and communities–normal?
How to Adopt Maybe He Will Kind of Faith
Rather than question if God’s with us and for us, we assume He is, and press into Him as we bring our tender queries. Brutal honesty helps us become fearlessly faithful because we dare to…
How to Thrive on Your Tiny Slice of Right Now
At this moment it might feel like a tall order: trust God when we’ve got questions stacked higher than our heads. When it appears we heard wrong or our efforts failed or we were too…
How to Navigate the Good and Beautiful Mess of Missional Living
It’s gritty and full of apology and learning to meet in the middle, this together-way-of-life. It’s learning to talk it out face-to-face and not behind backs. It’s being honest when we need a break or…