
Neighboring meets ripple-effect faith. I call it missional neighboring.

  • 2019 word of the year for introverts and missional living_open

    Word of the Year: Open

    My word for the year for 2019 has been simply “open.” I want to posture my heart like an open door, welcoming my neighbors into my heart, my home, and my life because I cannot…

  • When What I Have to Give Feels Small

    When My Offering Feels Small

    The smallness of your offering can be your greatest strength because your neighbors don’t need people who can keep up a perfect appearance, they need people who are letting Love Himself perfect them in the…

  • a thanksgiving prayer

    A Thanksgiving Prayer

    A little from my heart . . . I’ve practiced gratitude all November before, only to arrive at Thanksgiving and forget to start the day with thanks. The swirl of the beautiful but busy food…