Neighboring meets ripple-effect faith. I call it missional neighboring.
Letting Go of The Right Things
How often do I resemble my son, I wonder, so worried about the marshmallows that I fail to see there is more beyond my vision? That I am perhaps hung up on the wrong things?
Cultivating a Life Worth Imitating
“Imitate me as I imitate Christ” is discipleship in radical simplicity. We cultivate a life worth imitating through spending time with the One we wish to imitate, then as discipleship organically overflows, we continue to…
Margin Meets Mission: The Gift of Availability
An open door is a tangible expression of availability—a gateway to a space where community on mission can be cultivated. The gift of availability is where margin meets mission.
Word of the Year 2020: Given
I must be first broken to be given. I nod to the words of Ann Voskamp, underlined in my copy of The Way of Abundance: “Love isn’t about agreeing with someone; it’s about sacrificing for…
Breaking Hopelessness with Expectancy
Empty can feel endless and still not be devoid of hope. Hopelessness is a resignation, but it can be broken with expectancy.
The Unspeakable Gift of Presence
He gave us the gift of His Presence, not because we deserve it, but because He wanted to give it. And when He invited us into His family, He also invited us to share His…