Neighboring meets ripple-effect faith. I call it missional neighboring.
Neighborhood Missional Living When My House Is Too Small
Instead of stuffing our need to connect, let’s unpack some ways we can foster community with our neighbors even if our house is small.
Neighborhood Missional Living When I Am an Introvert
Have you ever pondered whether it is possible for you, as an introvert, to live missionally right in your own neighborhood?
When to Share Our Faith with Words
It’s an age-old question that has plenty times before tugged at the corners of my mind: When do we share our faith with words and when do actions alone suffice? Does the fragrant aroma of…
Shared Meals Cultivate Community
Meals shared with neighbors invite greater proximity, vulnerability, and humility—in essence they grow us in looking and living more Christ-like amongst our neighbors.
Can We Still Be Missional in the Winter?
In the winter I have to be careful to not negate what I can offer because it feels small—to not stop being missional because doing life with my neighbors takes more planning than spontaneous availability.
Better Than A Roller Coaster High
May we seek You when we are alone with You just as we do at big events. And may the fire burning in our “woodstove” encourage others in our neighborhood to also forgo the roller…