Neighboring meets ripple-effect faith. I call it missional neighboring.
Neighborhood Missional Living When I Don’t Know Where to Start
As we, like the rest of world, learn how to respond to a global pandemic, as we say yes to the invitation to live on mission right where we live, and as we face all…
Neighborhood Missional Living When I Don’t Live in a Neighborhood
I wish I had known then what I now know: many of the same principles of missional living in a neighborhood apply to missional living outside a neighborhood.
Neighborhood Missional Living When I Am Too Busy
“How can we possibly add everyday mission to our already-packed fifteen-to-nineteen waking hours of each day?” ask the authors of A Field Guide for Everyday Mission.
Neighborhood Missional Living When My Neighbors Are NOT Interested
So please bear with me as we unpack how we can live missionally in our neighborhoods when our neighbors are NOT interested, because while doing life with our neighbors currently has to take on some…
Special: Response to the Coronavirus Threat
So here I sit, pounding out words . . . because I have to wrestle with how we live on mission in our neighborhoods during the coronavirus threat . . .
Neighborhood Missional Living When My Spouse Is Not On Board
This week we are going to dive into the question of how do we live on mission in our neighborhood if our spouse is not on board.