Neighboring meets ripple-effect faith. I call it missional neighboring.
How to Thrive on Your Tiny Slice of Right Now
At this moment it might feel like a tall order: trust God when we’ve got questions stacked higher than our heads. When it appears we heard wrong or our efforts failed or we were too…
How to Navigate the Good and Beautiful Mess of Missional Living
It’s gritty and full of apology and learning to meet in the middle, this together-way-of-life. It’s learning to talk it out face-to-face and not behind backs. It’s being honest when we need a break or…
What Peace Is Like in Our Honest, Everyday Lives
Maybe peace is what I’m seeking out here where sun rises over a steeple and fog rests airy on pastures and fences run parallel.
What To Do When We Can’t Go Back to How It Was
What if the multi-faceted masterpiece of your God-given strengths and life experiences helps you reflect Jesus in a way that literally no one else can?
How to Regain Control When You’re Skidding
How do we regain control when we’re skidding on the razor’s edge of Even-If Ground or the black ice of Nevertheless Ground?
How to Make the Decisions You’d Rather Avoid or Rush
As I hold the decisions I want to delay and the ones I’m tempted to rush in open hands, here’s what’s helping me tune in to God’s voice right now.