Neighboring meets ripple-effect faith. I call it missional neighboring.
How to Heal from Words That Have Wounded Us
The following ten practices will help you heal from the wounds caused by words spoken to or about you because where light shines, darkness disappears.
How to Speak Gentle Words that Produce Life
As we lean into mission in our everyday lives, how do we speak more of these gentle words that produce so much life?
How to Stop Criticizing and Love with Grace
If I want to stop criticizing and extend instead love-fueled grace, I must trace my words to the root: my heart.
How to Employ the Power of the No: Margin + Mission
Let’s follow the example Jesus set to create margin in our schedules so that we can more freely say yes to relationships—our relationship with God and our relationships with others.
(To Live Full This Missional Life) Open the Door
Perhaps this is how we live full the missional life—we praise God in the presence of others.
Identity vs. Activity: How to Actually Live Mission
We see how we’ve held back or drawn assumptions or tried and failed hard, and this starting on a new path is safer to just be for someone else. How do we actually live on…