Neighboring meets ripple-effect faith. I call it missional neighboring.
Meet Me in the Middle of the Year 2021
Tell your story. Tell the middle of it. While you are in the middle. This is how we let what God is currently doing inside us ripple out beyond us.
Why Slow and Small Produces Better Results
There, we’ve said it already—that slow and small produces better results—but sometimes there is a lag between the knowing and the living.
How to Become Who You Really Want to Be
So let’s talk about it today. You and I. Here in this safe place. How do you become who you really want to be?
4 Ways to Better Reach Neighbors with Your Ripple
As you take baby steps towards greater visibility, availability, and openness, may they increase the potency of your proximity to your neighbors.
3 Surprising Things It’s Time to Stop Doing Now
When we stop doing these three things—showing our best face, doing all the things, and saying all the words—we will find that missional living becomes less daunting.
How to Best Make Your Prayers Highly Effective
But what if your prayers too could be highly effective? What if you too could be confident that when you pray, you are doing it right, and God actually hears you?