Neighboring meets ripple-effect faith. I call it missional neighboring.
How to Go Gently Into the End of the Year
Go gently into the end of the year, into relaxed smiles and unassuming joy, into the sheer delight of flexibility and strung lights, into unapologetic wonder and eruptions of laughter.
A Blessing for Imperfect, God-Present Thanksgivings
Thanks. We practice it all month and now we’re here. But there’s no pressure to say it perfect, only welcome–to behold You so praise becomes spontaneous.
For the One Wishing Joy Was Authentic This Thanksgiving
Joy seems like a novel idea. If only it could be produced with decor and Thanksgiving fixings. If only it didn’t feel fair-weathered and immensely fragile.
How to Slow Down 101 for Quick Learners and Multitaskers
The things that take grueling-slow learning and moment-by-moment surrender, those are the harder lessons to learn. The ones most worth learning.
How to Cultivate Happiness That Hinges on Honesty
Honesty leads to happiness. It’s as simple as that, spelled out right here in Psalm 32:2. I draw a box around the words but they truly invite us to soul-fulfilling freedom.
This Is What God Actually Sees When He Looks at You
Set out to reflect Jesus like a mirror and you come face-to-face with your list of what you lack. Your squabbles and squeamish fears, your flat-out insecurity and sneaky pride. The features you’d change. The…