Neighboring meets ripple-effect faith. I call it missional neighboring.
Three Unique Ways To Repeat What You Need To Believe
Unless I proactively tell my thoughts where to dwell, they wander willful and easily distracted. I lean into lies that incite fear or unworth rather than lean on the One who knows every tender hope…
How to Find Hope for Your Anxious Heart
Could we say a God like this doesn’t care about spines curving where they should be straight, about anxiety and stomach pain and all the what-ifs that sound terrible?
Soul-Sister Friendship: What We Crave + How to Find It
It’s a hopeful whisper: soul-sister friendship. Isn’t that what we long beneath the obligatory “I’m good! How are you?” and mustered-up smiles and silent sighs?
This Is What Happens When God Walks Here Too
How would you talk with God if you knew He was walking around in your house?
How to Name Inseparable Ingredients of a Never-Changing God
I’m writing by candlelight while walking but I can’t stop. Here, another name. There, two more. I’m chasing the God I’m finding as I read.
How to Find the God Who Answers When You’re Distressed
I was overcome by “the God who answers me whenever I am in distress and who is with me wherever I go” (Gen. 35:3, The Voice).