Neighboring meets ripple-effect faith. I call it missional neighboring.
10 Things That Worked for Me (An Emily P. Freeman-Inspired Reflection)
Reflecting on the things that worked for me in 2022 is an idea I borrowed from Emily P. Freeman, whose annual, end-of-the-year list-making was inspired by Anne Bogel’s question, “What worked this year?”
Start the New Year Well With a 30-Day Missional Living Challenge
Here’s how a 30-day challenge can help you start the new year well. It keeps missional neighboring simple. Doable. Practical.
Is Snow the Real Reason Why We Want a White Christmas?
We wish for a magic erase as high and wide as the world—one that could wipe away the tears from every crying eye, one that would restore hope and justice to the fractures and fissures,…
How to Choose a Perfect Word of the Year for 2023
I prefer a word for the year over New Year’s resolutions because it’s invitational rather than prescriptive.
5 Things You Can Do When the Year Is Long and You’re Road Weary
Maybe we weren’t ready for the pace of 2022, and in the wake of Thanksgiving, we find ourselves exhausted. Emptied. Road weary.
Get Missional: Week 5 of The Uncommon Normal #GratitudeRipples Challenge
We’ve been commissioned to be light-bearers, hope-bringers, and ripple-starters because the One with unspeakable glory lives within us.