Neighboring meets ripple-effect faith. I call it missional neighboring.
Has Cancel Culture Snuck into Your Neighborhood?
Instead of communicating, we cancel each other without a second thought. But we’ve become so quick to move on that we can’t see what we’re missing: the treasure of the people right in front of…
Why Is Missional Neighboring the Best Next Step?
As Dr. Colman—Asbury Professor of Evangelism for over 27 years and witness to three of Asbury’s revivals—avows, we begin with the people right next to us: our neighbors.
How to Keep Holy Hunger Whet by the Asbury Revival Alive in Our Hearts
The “keep coming” part is the difference between temporary and lasting life change.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Freest of Them All?
The mirrors in our homes can’t answer our self-worth questions, but there is a mirror that can.
3 Promises God Gives to Ordinary, Unfinished People Like You and Me
Friend, God knows the ways you doubt yourself. But His purpose for your life doesn’t require that you have it all together.
One Powerful Truth for Power-Walkers and Speed-Bakers: Direction Is Greater Than Pace
Who else needs permission to stop running and pay more attention to where we’re going?