Neighboring meets ripple-effect faith. I call it missional neighboring.
How To Slow the Rush and Really Rest
I can trace His name through Old Testament stories, and I can also read the New Testament at a pace that lets me soak in it. I can slow so my heart can fill, linger…
What Happens When You’re Drenched in God’s Endless, Relentless Love
It hits like the curled top of an ocean wave: every name I’ve penned in Bible margins, in answer to Ann Voskamp’s question in Sacred Prayer–”Who do I say that God is today? (Mark 8:29)”–is…
How to Know What God Actually Wants from Us
I’m sitting with that as I ponder how we best serve God and minister to the people in front of us on His behalf.
Where To Find The Most Beautiful Picture Of Open Hands
What strikes me about this picture of open hands is that for hands to be unfolded daily, they must be balled-up daily too. I can relate to that.
The Best Remedy I’ve Found For My Tendency To Catastrophize
I’m normally one with a contingency plan–dually a positive thinker and a worst-case scenario overthinker. I see how good can be squeezed from wracking pain, how God’s kindness gleams bright through difficulty, how harsh conditions…
This Is What Changes When We Know God by Name
I’m praying through near-memorized verses when one word stops me. This! Like a golden key unlocking the past six weeks of naming God in the margins of my Bible as I read, it gleams with…